Thursday, June 01, 2006

Nothing to say.

I find that most days I have nothing worth saying. In part because I spend my day wrestling with esoteric archival stuff or reading (and also watching) intellectual junk food. I confess that I am finding myself watching Oprah during the kids naptime, that I have been thumbing through old copies of Parent magazine, and that I even watched a whole episode of "So You Think You Can Dance?" My academic enterprise finds me giddy every time a mention of prophecy, city of refuge, cain, or total depravity is mentioned in the American Journal of Insanity (1844-1860). But, I can't yet explain the significance of my reading. No wonder I have nothing to say. I have been reading the NY Times. However, I find my self attracted to pop psychology, movie reviews and articles on Garrison Keillor and the Dixie Chicks. Perhaps, I have unknowingly suffered a head injury. This also might explain my preference of Yahtzee over Scrabble, for Agatha Christie over W. Somerset Maugham, and Coke over Coffee, and the worst confession of all: I actually know the name of Brad and Angelina's baby.


Sarah said...

I tried to make a rule that I wouldn't read about the celebrities on magazine covers while standing in the grocery line. It hasn't worked.

I know how you feel.


Anonymous said...

If you're stuck on Agatha Christie you might want to try Dorothy Sayers instead. That way you can say you're reading one of the Inklings--and she really is a bit more oomphy and thoughtful without being annoying about it when you just want to read a mystery. The Dante Club by Matthew Pearl is also a good mystery choice for someone who's interested in total depravity--a series of murders based on Dante's Inferno certainly qualifies. :)