Saturday, April 01, 2006


This is a busy month for us Protestant Slackers. Jodie's papers are all due: one on typology and Roger Williams, another on eugenics and a 20th century missiologist, and the last one on a 19th century literary magazine published by asylum patients. Doug just returned from a conference on street ministry. Ask him about it. Angela and baby Jacob are off to Vancouver for a meeting with the board of A' Roche. Ben is off to Montreal to conduct some experiments, and Johanna, Jacob, and Simeon daily learn more than any of us could handle at our current stage of development. :) We enjoyed Heather's visit. We are still praying daily for her little baby. Heather is beautiful and healthy looking and full of love and spunk and courage. I just puttered out on the lenten reflection. I wish I would have kept going.

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