hello, my dear friends.
i truly miss you all and look foward to our coming together sometime soon (or at least within the next 8 months or so ;)
below i get into my life and what's happening, i want to invite you all to listen to probably the BEST series i've ever heard about controversial issues in the church/society. chip ingram, who used to be the pastor of santa cruz Bible chuch when i worked about mt. hermon in for two summers--camp, is now part of an international ministry based out of atlanta, ga, called "living on the edge." check out his well-reserved, loving, thought-provoking series on the following:
--homosexuality--chip was in the homosexual lifestyle for 3 years before coming out--he claims that this is one of his best researched teachings and one closest to his heart--amazingly done!
--the church and politics
access soon, b/c the lessons are only posted for a fairly short time.
1) go to: www.oneplace.com
2) go to: "living on the edge" and click on it
3) either click on one of the talks that shows up at the top of the screen OR click on "show archive" where you'll scroll down to the broadcast of interest
let me know what you think, if you get a chance to have a listen! :)
in other news, i've been involved in a myriad of "short term"classes/groups. i finished a financial class (which has made me ever more confused), am finishing ALPHA (great course!), and am in the midst of a healing prayer course--awesome! i'm helping with HS girls' Sunday school too.
work continues to humble me, challenge me, and keep me seeking/depending upon God. it is strange how God keeps calling me to arenas that seem so difficult for me. at the same time, it is clear that He is working on me in my brokenness as my weaknesses, fears, insecurities arise as i work with broken young women, formerly in foster care, who mostly don't know the Lord and His life-transforming love and power.
every so often, i'm publishing my poetry in my vineyard church's womens' newsletter, which is a baby step foward in helping me to write and share my writing. amazing how personal one's writing feels. i'll include one of my pieces below and sign off. it's not my best work, but i can cut and paste it, since i've already typed it out. ;)
sending my love, ang
Nomadic Heart
Nomadic heart, called to pitch a tent,
not build a house of steel or stone.
Nomadic heart, called to live the life of wandering where led;
stayed ever fast in Him.
Following Holy Spirit
cloud of smoke by day and pillar of fire by night.
Gazing heavenward, where my heart will wander no more.
Nomadic heart, called to pitch a tent,
not build a house of steel or stone.
Nomadic heart, called to live the life of wandering where led;
stayed ever fast in Him.
Ever tempted to extend my stay,
where familiarity and comforts lie,
though the whispering wind of the Lord gently blows.
Nomadic heart, called to pitch a tent,
not build a house of steel or stone.
Nomadic heart, called to live the life of wandering where led;
stayed ever fast in Him.
Ever questioning: to whom? to what? to where?
Fear mingling with memories of fleshly weakness,
wandering beyond my Father’s boundary lines.
Nomadic heart,
physically wandering through each mortal day.
mentally resting in Truth beyond the moment.
Nomadic heart:
a foothold on earth, a foothold in heaven.,
ever seeking, forever found.